Amy Bischof
Talent Acquisition Business Partner | NORAM
"Quadient's values are what attracted me to the company. EPIC really stands with my values and I truly believe we live that everyday."
About Amy

In a few sentences, tell me about yourself and what motivates you in your career at Quadient?
I reside in Florida (FL), but most of the time you can catch me traveling mountain side. I love being outside and exploring, mostly while on my mountain bike. Working for a flexible organization and having the opportunity to work remotely has only increased my love for being outside and traveling. When I am not traveling, you can find me home signing up for my next triathlon or run and relaxing with my bunny (Benjamin) and dog (Bentley).
What I like most about what I do is meeting different people and being able to change their lives. It’s such a rewarding experience to reach out to someone who is looking for work and being able to hear their story and be a part of change with them as they go into a new work experience. Knowing that I am helping them to enhance their future career brings a sense of accomplishment and joy. Being part of their experience and growth is the best part of my role.

What attracted you to Quadient and why do you stay?
Quadient’s values are what attracted me to the company. EPIC really stands with my values and I truly believe we live that every day. It’s only gotten better with time - I’ve been with the organization about a year and have met such wonderful people who want to collaborate, learn and be part of a great team. The organization has changed due to covid however, the teams have learned how to work well with one another and find new ways to communicate and stay connected to each other.
What is your favorite part of working with the team?
The diversity we have as an organization really makes this my favorite part of the team. Being able to bring in new ideas, learn new things and really see the impact you can make as an individual. Being a global company, we have colleagues and customers from all over the world who celebrate different cultures, traditions and beliefs and share their unique experiences with one another.

Why do you believe in the company’s products and services?
I believe in the products and services because of what we bring as a team. Quadient truly is unique and we bring such energy, trust and knowledge, it really makes you want to be part of all our growth as an organization. We have a broad range of products and services from mail related solutions to automated programs we are able to help our customers succeed and grow in their businesses.
How have you grown as a result of working in Quadient?
I have gained a lot of experience and exposure within the organization by having support from leaders for career growth from our leaders and access to learning tools and programs. I respect how Quadient develops their employees by continually offering training, allowing for growth opportunities and providing a healthy and work-life balance. These opportunities have provided me with the tools that I need to grow and shape my career. I have taken on more responsibility and feel confident in the work that I do and the help I provide to my fellow colleagues.